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Do You Have to Prove Adultery for Divorce in Arizona?

Do You Have to Prove Adultery for Divorce in Arizona?
Do You Have to Prove Adultery for Divorce in Arizona?

Years ago, if you wanted to get divorced, you had to name certain grounds for divorce. Otherwise, the courts wouldn’t entertain your grounds. Once you named the grounds, you then had to prove your allegations. Some of the common grounds for divorce include:

Your AZ Family Legal Services Attorney Can List Grounds for Divorce

If you’re absolutely set on naming a certain ground for your divorce, your  AZ Family Legal Services won’t refuse to let you do it. They just know that it takes a lot longer this way. There’s also the chance that the judge will reject it. If you simply cite the one-size-fits-all approach discussed below, your marriage could technically be resolved within just 3 to 4 months. And if there aren’t any assets, that will make their job even easier. All you have to do is call and talk to an experienced Arizona divorce attorney as soon as possible. Set up a time to talk and discuss your case.

Can You Prove the Marriage is Irretrievably Broken?

Thankfully, Arizona doesn’t make you prove that there are specific grounds for divorce. As much as you may want to, the court won’t entertain it unless they have to. For example, if it’s important to you that you cite a specific reason for the divorce request, you risk finding out that the court’s docket is full for the next several months. If you simply go along with the standard filing, which cites that the marriage is irretrievably broken, you don’t need anything in that regard other than a television movie.

You Still Must Wait the 60-Day Cooling Off Period

Regardless of whether you name any specific grounds for divorce, you still have to wait 60 days. The sixty days won’t start until you actually file the complaint for divorce. The reason the courts make you wait is so that you have a cooling off period. A lot of couples jump the gun and file for divorce only to change their mind a few weeks later. Rather than risk that happening, and clogging the court docket up for no reason, the courts simply make you wait the extra 2 months before they’ll process your divorce papers. If you do decide that you’ve changed your mind, your Arizona divorce attorney can always withdraw the complaint for divorce.

Call and Talk to a Skilled Arizona Divorce Attorney

If you’re convinced that you’re ready to file for divorce, there’s no reason to wait. You should call and talk to one of our Arizona divorce attorneys right away. They can help you get the papers filed and move forward with the divorce process. Since you don’t need to prove any particular grounds for the divorce, it won’t take as long as you may think. Call our office and set up a time to sit down with one of our experienced attorneys. They answer any questions you may have and give you an idea of how your case will proceed. The good news is that, barring any issues, your divorce can be final in anywhere from 3 to 4 months. This way, both you and your ex can move on with your lives.

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