Holiday Visitation with Parents in Arizona

When it comes to custody agreements, creating a written holiday and visitation schedule is the easiest way for two parents to handle the situation. Typically, alternating holidays between parents ensures a fair distribution of shared time. However, this may be a contentious issue for some. If you’re in Arizona, seeking legal advice from a family law attorney can help you navigate custody issues and the different tactics available. Contact a lawyer experienced in family law in Arizona to learn more
What is a Custody and Visitation Schedule?
If both parents are in agreement, they can create a custody and visitation schedule that suits their needs. In such cases, the courts will not interfere with their arrangements. However, custody and visitation agreements are often more complex than this, and the courts may need to intervene to ensure that both parties adhere to any court-ordered arrangements. If you need help with creating or enforcing custody and visitation orders, seek the guidance of a qualified family law attorney. They can advise you on the best course of action and help you navigate the legal system. Contact a family law lawyer today for more information.
Factors Used to Determine Custody and Visitation
Under A.R.S. § 25-403, Arizona courts consider several factors when establishing a custody and visitation schedule that is in the best interest of the child. These factors include the parents’ wishes, the child’s custodial preferences, the child’s relationships with parents and siblings, the physical and mental well-being of the parties involved, and the child’s acclimation to their home, school, and community. Additionally, the court considers each parent’s cooperation in facilitating a healthy relationship between the child and the other parent, except in cases involving domestic violence. Other factors that the court may consider include which parent acts as the child’s primary caregiver, whether coercion has been used, completion of required domestic relations education classes, and false child abuse or neglect reporting by either party. If you need help with a custody and visitation case, contact a qualified family law attorney in Arizona to guide you through the process.
Sample Schedules Applicable in Arizona Case
Parents in Arizona have countless options when it comes to creating a custody and visitation schedule for their child. However, the success of any schedule depends on the willingness of both parents to work together for the benefit of their child. For parents who live close to each other, splitting time equally may be more manageable. Under optimal circumstances, parents can consider a variety of schedules, including a preliminary visit during the week followed by two consecutive overnights with the non-custodial parent, a revolving cycle of two days and nights with one parent followed by three with the other, three consecutive overnight visits every other week with an additional midweek visit, splitting each week and weekend equally, or alternating weeks with one overnight midweek. Keep in mind that these schedules require cooperation from both parents. A qualified family law attorney in Arizona can help parents come to an agreement and ensure that the child’s best interest is upheld. If you need help with a custody or visitation issue, contact a family law lawyer today for assistance.
Arizona Family Law Lawyers
In Arizona, family law courts prioritize the best interests of the child in custody and visitation disputes. As officers of the court, family law attorneys in Arizona are advocates for both their clients and the children involved in these cases. When dealing with custody or visitation disputes, it’s crucial to hire an experienced family law lawyer who can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that the child’s best interest is upheld. With their extensive knowledge of Arizona family law, these lawyers can provide guidance and representation to help you achieve the most favorable outcome for your case. If you are facing a custody or visitation dispute in Arizona, contact a qualified family law attorney to assist you in navigating the legal process and protecting your child’s best interests.