Can a Husband Demand Alimony in Arizona?

It is Typically the Wife Who Requests and Receives Alimony in a Divorce
When an attorney files a divorce petition, they typically include their demand for spousal support. In order to do this, they have to show that their spouse will be at a significant financial disadvantage if they aren’t paid monthly support from their soon-to-be ex-spouse. Usually, this is filed by the wife’s attorney. This is because, in most marriages, it is the husband who earns more than their wife. Women generally are paid less than their male counterparts. Even if your wife does the same kind of work for you, chances are, you earn more than she does. If, however, the opposite is true, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be entitled to the same kind of support.
What Must You Demonstrate to Be Awarded Spousal Support?
In order to qualify for spousal support, or alimony in arizona, your Arizona divorce attorney will have to meet certain requirements. For example, they must prove that your wife earns more than you do. This difference will have to be significant. If you only earn a few thousand dollars less than your spouse, you will not be granted spousal support. Another thing the court will look at is your education. If you have a high-school degree and your wife has her doctorate in law, you may be entitled to spousal support. The amount of the support will vary depending on the facts of your case. The same is true for the length of any support order. The longer your marriage was, the longer you can expect your spouse to be ordered to pay support. If, however, you were only married for a couple of years, you will probably be denied support all together.